Marketing Liftoff Get Focus and Confidence

Everything you need to LAUNCH your business into the stratosphere! 

Have the focus and confidence to boldly go wherever the hell you want to

You have your strategy. You know your why. You know your what. You know how you can help your ideal client.

Now it’s time to get you ‘out there’ so they can find you and the solutions that they need, and that you can provide them with.

Everyone has an opinion on the ‘best’ way to market your business, but they don’t know what you want your business to be.

There are literally over 80,000 different marketing technologies out there, and I’m here to tell you to ignore them - at least until you have your core tools in place.

Your Options

12 Week Bootcamp


3 Monthly Instalments

  • Weekly LIVE online lesson from a marketing expert
  • Weekly LIVE online Q&A with a marketing expert
  • Workbook & templates
  • Complimentary 6-month membership to our Marketing Sounding Board Community & Support Space valued at $234

To be confirmed

Join the waitlist

12 Week Bootcamp


Save 12.5% by paying upfront

  • Weekly LIVE online lesson from a marketing expert
  • Weekly LIVE online Q&A with a marketing expert
  • Workbook & templates
  • Complimentary 6-month membership to our Marketing Sounding Board Community & Support Space valued at $234

To be confirmed

Join the waitlist

2 Day 1:1 Intensive Workshop


Customised to your requirements

  • 1-hour Discovery Call to determine your specific needs
  • 2 x 6-hour workshop sessions with a marketing expert
  • 1 x 1-hour Follow Up Call to answer any questions
  • Workbook & templates
  • Complimentary 6-month membership to our Marketing Sounding Board Community & Support Space valued at $234

Prices are quoted in Australian dollars and include applicable taxes.

In Marketing Liftoff, you will learn how to set up your Key Marketing Tools so that you can build the business you’re dreaming of


Yes, your Marketing Tools are mainly digital. Yes, they can get complicated if you let them. But we’ll run you through what you need to do and why you need to do it, so you are in the driver’s seat of your business’s marketing.

Together we’ll build out the Marketing Plan you need, and give you the tools you need to roll it out, measure the results, and get the business you need to thrive.

By the end of the program, you’ll have your own, unique Roadmap to Success and the confidence and tools to go out there and get it done.

Course Structure (12 Week Program)


Each week we will focus on one key area of building your Marketing Launchpad


Dr Tracy Hopkins

(Perth, WA)

Racquel is an amazing person to work with. She has plenty of new ideas aligning to her marketing strategies at all times. She takes on challenges willingly. It's a pleasure to work with you at AIWT, Racquel.

Georgina Kelly

(Dubai, UAE)

Racquel is one of the most organised, patient and resourceful people I know. She knows her stuff when it comes to marketing in B2B and B2C arena. She is able to get to the root of the problem quickly and more importantly explain her solutions in a language that is easily understood and not marketing gobbledy gook, that is a gift in itself.

When you work with Racquel, you know you are in a pair of safe hands.

Andrew Whitaker

(Sydney, NSW)

The best marketing mind I have ever worked with. Smart and innovative but also process orientated - capabilities that rarely go hand in hand in the marketing world. Racquel simply drives revenue from both a sales and a marketing perspective!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's build your Marketing Launchpad!

12 Week Bootcamp


3 Monthly Instalments

  • Weekly LIVE online lesson from a marketing expert
  • Weekly LIVE online Q&A with a marketing expert
  • Workbook & templates
  • Complimentary 6-month membership to our Marketing Sounding Board Community & Support Space valued at $234

To be confirmed

Join the waitlist

12 Week Bootcamp


Save 12.5% by paying upfront

  • Weekly LIVE online lesson from a marketing expert
  • Weekly LIVE online Q&A with a marketing expert
  • Workbook & templates
  • Complimentary 6-month membership to our Marketing Sounding Board Community & Support Space valued at $234

To be confirmed

Join the waitlist

2 Day 1:1 Intensive Workshop


Customised to your requirements

  • 1-hour Discovery Call to determine your specific needs
  • 2 x 6-hour workshop sessions with a marketing expert
  • 1 x 1-hour Follow Up Call to answer any questions
  • Workbook & templates
  • Complimentary 6-month membership to our Marketing Sounding Board Community & Support Space valued at $234

Prices are quoted in Australian dollars.

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